
The 'Longevity Vitamin'

The #1 Predictor of Longevity & Health

Increases Lifespan, Healthspan, Energy

The rigors of modern life are unavoidable.  Poor diet.  Stress.  Lack of exercise.  Not to mention exposure to toxins, UV rays, and insufficient sleep. Each one can compromise the health and functionality of your cells. Over time, this can lead to pre-mature aging, unwanted health conditions and loss of vitality. The results from two major pharma-model studies with Plus Lifespan Longevity show how it increases in lifespan, healthspan and energy.


Proven Benefits for Today of Longevity™

  • Protects every cell in your body from damage, including your DNA and mitochondria
  • Boosts mitochondrial metabolic activity for greater energy and vitality
  • Shown to have 10x stronger antioxidant power than fruits and vegetables

Proven Benefits for Life of Longevity™

Shown below are the results of independent studies (C. Elegans & Human Cell) with Longevity

  • Increases median lifespan
  • Delays degenerative decline and slows aging
  • Prolongs good health throughout lifespan
  • Increases years of optimal vitality
  • Increases time of maximum energy output

The Most Complete Antioxidant Protection

Today, scientists refer to Ergothioneine as the deepest penetrating, farthest-reaching, most comprehensive oral antioxidant known. It specifically targets the key pathways of aging and health.

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The First Full Spectrum Antioxidant Protection

Most antioxidants address free radicals caused by reactive oxygen species (ROS). LongevityTM neutralizes free radicals generated by all four sources.  Additionally, it scavenges the full spectrum of free radical types.

Neutralizes All Four Free Radical Species

Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Reactive Nitrogen Species (RNS)
Reactive Chlorine Species (RCS)
Inflammation Induced Species (IIS)


Scavenges All Free Radical Types

Primary Fee Radicals
Secondary Fee Radicals
Chain Reaction Radicals
Ray Radicals

The Longest Lasting Antioxidant

Your cells are under attack from free radicals every second of every day.  Longevity gives you all day protection.

Time of Effectiveness Compared to Known Antioxidants

(Half life in hours) 

  • Ergothioneine      768.00
  • Vitamin C                44.00
  • Catechins                  3.83
  • Flavanoids                3.12
  • Polyphenols             2.86
  • Vitamin E                  0.73
  • Glutathione              0.17

Healthy DNA - The #1 Predictor of Longevity

The world’s largest study on aging recently concluded that healthy DNA creates genomic stability, the #1 predictor of longevity.  Plus Lifespan Longevity helps create healthy DNA.

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Plus Lifespan Longevity Protects Your DNA and Genome

Plus Lifespan Longevity has the ability to penetrate deep into the core of cells, protecting regions, in efficacious quantities and duration, simply not possible before.

Chromosomes     RNA     DNA     Mitochondria     Telomeres

How Plus Lifespan Longevity Creates Healthy DNA


1)  Plus Lifespan Longevity efficiently scavenges the two most DNA-damaging acids, hypobromous and hypochlorous.

2)  Plus Lifespan Longevity eliminates the most lethal DNA-damaging free radical known, singlet oxygen, up to 75x better than any known antioxidant.

3)  Plus Lifespan Longevity eliminates all body-global free radicals up to 3,435%  better than glutathione, previously thought of as the best antioxidant.

Proven 10x Better than Polyphenols in Fruits and Vegetables

A recent human cell study demonstrated that Plus Lifespan Longevity had 10 times the antioxidant capacity than the polyphenols found in fruits and vegetables.  What’s more the time of effectiveness of LongevityTM proved to be 268 time longer.

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Criteria Plus Lifespan LongevityPolyphenols
Antioxidant Capacity (GAE Units)34332 - 48
Half Life (time of effectiveness)768.00 hours2.86 hours

Get 5 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables, and More, in 1 Small Capsule

We’re all told to eat 5 servings of  fruits and vegetables every day.  But few of us has the time. The good news is that one serving (15 mg) of Ergothioneine, found in Plus Lifespan Longevity, creates the same cellular environment as consuming an entire day’s worth of fruits and vegetables.  But the antioxidant capacity of Longevity is 10 times better. And the free radical scavenging activity lasts 268 times longer.