Plus Lifespan

Live Long. Live Healthy. Live Robustly.

Plus Lifespan clinically tested supplements are scientifically
formulated and tested for your healthspan and lifespan

Here, you'll find the newest, most innovative natural ingredients in combination with the most efficacious known ingredients, all delivered in clinically proven dosages. We're doing more than designing great supplements, we're creating long, healthy, robust lives.


100% Natural L-Ergothioneine

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‘Longevity Vitamin’ Proven to Increases Lifespan, Healthspan, Energy                         

Ergothioneine, known as ‘The Longevity Vitamin,” is the deepest penetrating intracellular antioxidant that protects the entire cell, including DNA, and slows aging.  In a pharma-model longevity study, our Ergothioneine demonstrated significant increases in lifespan, health span, and energy output.

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The Deepest Penetrating, Farthest Reaching, Most Comprehensive Oral Antioxidant Known. Proven 10x better than Fruits, Vegetables.

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Promotes Healthy DNA, The #1 Predictor of Longevity.

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Increases Mitochondrial Metabolic Activity & Energy.

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Protects heart muscle, supports healthy
blood pressure, plus promotes longevity

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With LIFESPAN Cardio, you get the most efficacious and proven heart health ingredients, delivered in clinically proven dosages, combined with the new ‘Longevity Vitamin,’ l-ergothioneine, for a long and heart strong life.


Promotes healthy blood pressure and helps protect heart muscle.


Promotes healthy cholesterol levels and protects against damage to heart cell membranes.


Our 100% natural longevity vitamin, l-ergothioneine supports DNA and genomic stability for a long life.


Increases brain function, protects
brain cells, plus promotes longevity 

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LIFESPAN Neuro gives you get the proven brain health ingredients in bona fide clinically proven dosages. At the same time, you get our new ‘Longevity Vitamin,’ l-ergothioneine, for a long and brain strong life..


Sharpens focus and improves concentration.


Improves memory and increases Brain function.


Our bio-perfected longevity vitamin, l-ergothioneine supports DNA and genomic stability for a long life.

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Now get complete  full body immune
protection plus promote longevity

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With LIFESPAN Immunity, you get all the proven immune strengthening ingredients delivered in clinically proven dosages. Plus, your get the two newest gut health ingredients, and our 100% natural L ergothioneine for a long and healthy life.


The first complete spectrum immune booster that Strengthens your body’s 5 immune centers.


Promotes gut health, where 70% of total body immunity resides.


You also get our 100% natural Longevity Vitamin, l-ergothioneine for longevity.

The science


Discovery of the longevity vitamin and its nutrient transporter in humans.

Your body distributes the nutrition you consume  to where it needs to go via nutrient transporters. All transporters are capable of carrying the full variety of macro and micro nutrients that you eat.

Except one.


This one transporter carries a nutrient so vital to life that nature has designed it to be exclusively dedicated to that one nutrient alone.  The reason? So other nutrients cannot compete for uptake into cells.


The scientific name for this transporter is ETT.  The nutrient that it’s dedicated to transporting is L-ergoithioneine, a unique amino, recently identified as the ‘Longevity Vitamin.’

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At Prime Science Labs, we’ve designed a full array of supplements with our bio-perfected ergothioneie as a base.  From there, we add the most efficacious and clinically validated ingredients according to the specific benefit.  All designed to give you a long, healthy, and robust life.

"Better than glutathione or Vitamin C"

Until now, glutathione and vitamin C were considered the two best cell protectors and defenders available. But that was before L-ergothioneine. Listen to the statement released by National Institutes of Health.

"L-Ergothioneine is a better free radical scavenger than glutathione and vitamin C.”